Midtown Community Planning Stipend Program
Midtown Community Planning Stipend Program
July 15 – October 7
A monetary stipend will be made available to help offset expenses of proposed events and activities to support the work of civic and community organizations who wish to engage their constituencies about the redevelopment of the City’s Midtown Property. New applications are due by October 7th and events must take place no later than Sunday, October 16th. Proposed events should be easily accessible for the communities they wish to engage. The Midtown Site is not available for events.
Support the work of civic and community organizations who wish to engage their constituencies about the redevelopment of the City’s Midtown Property. A longer term goal is increased capacity of the community, especially under-represented groups, to effectively participate in City planning and policy making.
Eligible Applicants:
Organizations and populations of the community influenced by and/or impacted by development on the Midtown Site. The organizations should have as part of its mission a commitment to engaging communities in public policy, urban planning and design, and/or community and economic development. All applicant organizations must be local.
A monetary stipend will be made available to help offset expenses of proposed events and activities. Applicants should demonstrate programming design that is fun, engaging, welcoming and inclusive to either specific segments of the community not typically engaged in City development planning and/or the community at-large. Reliable information gathering tools (paper or electronic surveys, graphical informational materials, focus groups, round-table discussions, etc.) should be included as a component of the activity proposed. When at all possible, standard demographic information should be collected from participants attending events and activities.
Applicant(s) must demonstrate their organization’s reach and influence in the community, its capacity to manage activities that will reach large numbers of the community, or specific segments of the community that are directly impacted by the development of the Midtown Site. The purpose of the proposed events and activities will be to both inform attendees of and gather input on redevelopment plans for development of the Midtown Site.
A summary report of the event or activity will be required to be submitted to the Office of Economic Development within 15 days of completing the event or programming. This report should provide the number of attendees, a summary of the activity, the names of those with an active role running the event, documentation of any survey or opinion gathering that occurred during the event, and any community feedback concerning the proposed land use plans for the site.
Activities must take place best no later than October 16, 2022
For questions, contact Susan Vigil, SVigil@santafenm.gov, using subject line “Midtown Stipend Application”